Why join BCIG?
Membership is open to all professionals working in the field Cochlear implants – this may include surgeons, audiologists, SLTs, Rehabilitationists.
Membership offers:
- reduced registration fees for the Annual BCIG meeting
- early notice of job vacancies
- opportunities to be involved in shaping the future of CI services in the UK
- access to BCIG research grants
- regular emails giving updates and news of happenings in the world of CIs
- advance notice of webinars and conferences of interest to those in the profession
- Trustees are elected from within the membership.
- Free online access to Cochlear Implants International Journal.
Start Your Application Now
Types of Membership
All professionals involved in Cochlear Implants should consider joining BCIG. There is one level of membership for all; membership costs £85 and lasts for one year from the date of joining.
Join here!
We are grateful to the Cochlear Implant manufacturers who have Corporate Membership of the BCIG.