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BCIG meeting

BCIG meeting

Speaker spotlight

"Current challenges and opportunities in CI"

Dr Arenberg will be presenting the Graham Fraser Memorial Lecture at the meeting in Cambridge 13-14 April

Dr Arenberg obtained her PhD. in Neuroscience from the University of Michigan in 2001 and her MS in Audiology from San Francisco State in 2003.  Following clinical and postdoctoral training at Stanford University and the University of California at San Francisco, respectively.  She was on the faculty at the University of Washington, in Seattle from 2005 to 2013.  She has an NIH-funded research programme that has supported her at the University of Washington and now at Massachusetts Eye and Ear, where she directs the Emerging Auditory Research Lab since 2019.  Dr Arenberg is currently the Director of Research and Education in Clinical Audiology at Massachusetts Eye and Ear and an Associate Professor of Harvard Medical School.

She began her research career studying animal models of hearing through a cochlear implant and began studying the potential for using more focused electrical fields to better transmit spectral information to human cochlear implant listeners.  She has since developed tools for applying new stimulation methods in children and adults with an eye towards translating her findings to clinical practice.  Finally, she has set the stage for improved understanding of the development of spectral resolution in children with cochlear implants so that optimized programme settings that employ focused stimulation could be used with paediatric cochlear implant listeners

To access the outline programme, register for the conference and view accommodation options, please CLICK HERE

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