Who should qualify for bi-lateral implantation? Who should own the decision making? For those who are bi-laterally implanted, what are your lessons learned?
This is a one hour conversation to discuss bi-lateral implantation accessibility. Led by Sue Archbold, Wendy Huinck, Associate Professor of ENT at RadboudUMC in Nijmegen, Netherlands and Kathryn Chlosta, a CI user, Robert Mandara, President of EURO-CIU and other interested implant users.
Accessibility to bi-lateral implantation, in both financial reimbursement and access to services, varies widely across countries. A recent study led by Wendy demonstrates that CI users are imperative stakeholders in shared decision making for bi-lateral implantation.
This is an opportunity to share your thoughts, lived experiences and current accessibility in your own situation.
Free registration here: us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIkceCqrjMqG9drMVqtu-Qcy2P9vLIvZ79z#/registration