BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:MED-EL Meet Up & Family Fun Day UID:131 DESCRIPTION:\n\nPop along and bring your family too, for a day filled with fun for all!\nChildren's entertainment & family activities\nInteractive stands and displays\nMeet your local charity and user group representatives\nMED-EL hearing device product information\nFree prize draw\nRehabilitation resources available\nMeet our team\nRefreshments will be provided throughout the day\nMeet the Hearpeers Mentors (Hearing implant volunteers)\nCome learn about our latest behind-the-ear cochlear implant audio processor, SONNET 3.\n\n DTSTART:20241207T100000Z DTEND:20241207T143000Z LOCATION:Manchester END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR